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El último desafío

El líder de un cartel de la droga se escapa de un juzgado y huye a la frontera mexicana. Allí su camino se cruzará con el del Sheriff Owens (Arnold Schwarzenegger) y su inexpertoequipo.THE LAST STAND supone la vuelta de Arnold Schwarzenegger (Terminator, Desafío Total) como protagonista de una película de acción. El coreano Kim Je-Woon (I saw the devil) rueda por primera vez en inglés en esta trepidante película cuyo reparto completan el español Eduardo Noriega, Forest Whitaker, Johnny Knoxville, Peter Stormare y Genesis Rodriguez entre otros
Acción, Suspense, Crimen
1 h 47 min
Puntuación IMDB:
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Eduardo Noriega, Forest Whitaker, John Patrick Amedori
Director / Escritor:
Jee-woon Kim / Andrew Knauer, Jeffrey Nachmanoff
Sinopsis (inglés):
Sheriff Owens is a man who has resigned himself to a life of fighting what little crime takes place in sleepy border town Sommerton Junction after leaving his LAPD post following a bungled operation that left him wracked with failure and defeat after his partner was crippled. After a spectacular escape from an FBI prisoner convoy, the most notorious, wanted drug kingpin in the hemisphere is hurtling toward the border at 200 mph in a specially outfitted car with a hostage and a fierce army of gang members. He is headed, it turns out, straight for Summerton Junction, where the whole of U.S. law enforcement will have their last opportunity to make a stand and intercept him before he slips across the border forever. At first reluctant to become involved, and then counted out because of the perceived ineptitude of his small town force, Owens ultimately accepts responsibility for the face off.


El último desafíoEl último desafíoEl último desafíoEl último desafíoEl último desafíoEl último desafío

Más info

Título original: The Last Stand
Fecha estreno:
Estreno inicial: Argentina el 17 January 2013
Países: USA
Año: 2013
Ver en IMDB